The most difficult foreign language is by far the Arabic for Japanese

First of all he said in Arabic do you learn from? | Of Tetris ...

The most difficult foreign language is by far the Arabic for Japanese Let's ignore the technical terms in the language initial stage of Arabic learning site and language manual is written for prodigy Really hard and read the Arabic learning site Toka Arabic book. [I'm naturally remember much Arabic? ] I have written as a major premise. For example, Characters are stand-alone, prefix type, word in shape, there is an end of a word form Phonetic symbol [ṯ] [š] [ḍ] [ẓ] [ḏ] or the like is never seen It vowels short vowels, long vowels, a diphthong Tan Vienna Toka shadda, other auxiliary symbol Moon characters and sun character Suddenly when you try to read this part, as follows. [It's coming out just suddenly difficult terminology but] [Uo Oh refreshing too difficult Wakaran! ! ! ! ] [I've had Arabic unpleasant at this time Oh Oh ーーー] So, the Japanese say [Arabic is difficult]. But, I think it is simply the only the wrong order and study. In order to understand the terminology, I do and do not know the basic knowledge to be its foundation. If you do not create a neatly foundation before you build a house, you'll fall too soon build a house? It's the same thing can be said in the language.
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